Ep. 65: Cope In Crisis, Then Heal with Dr. Chaya Lieba Kobernick

Dr. Chaya Lieba Kobernick is a clinical psychologist who is super passionate about increasing access to evidence-based care, improving training for mental health providers, and increasing awareness and education in the frum community. In this week's episode, Dr. K and I discuss crisis times vs healing times and ripping off the band-aid known as coping mechanisms.


Ep. 64: How to Glow with Kayla Levin

Kayla has been coaching newlyweds for years, but not long ago, she realized she needed to make a shift. In this week’s episode, we discuss how Kayla went from helping first-year marrieds to helping women at any stage find their glow.


Ep. 62: Preparing for Pesach: Mentally and Emotionally

All holidays can bring their challenges. We start this season sooner than expected with a timely episode about how to put your best foot forward the week before and the week of Passover. Bari is joined by Tova Seligsohn and Esty Nadler, LCSW, of The Derech Shalom Center to discuss a number of tips on how to put our best selves forward when faced with challenges this holiday season.


Ep. 61: Not a Nebbuch with Samantha Menuha Bronstein

July is Disability Pride Month and as such, it is a time to ask ourselves about our inclusivity as people and our accessibility as institutions. Samantha Menucha, AKA Sam, is a disabled university student living in Israel. In this weeks episode, Sam and I discuss what it was like growing up as a disabled person in her community. We discuss what parents, individuals, institutions and clergy can do to make Judaism more accessible for all.


Ep. 58: Layers with Shira Lankin Sheps

Shira Lankin Sheps is a writer, photographer, and clinically trained therapist. When Shira mustered up the courage to share her story, she was welcomed with a flood of requests to share others’ stories as well. In this weeks episode, Shira shares how The Layers Project magazine and book came to be, as well as the process of sharing another’s story.


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